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The Physio Blog

Ergonomic Tips for Laptop Set-up

Have you had neck pain or wrist pain after a day spent working from your laptop? Here are some tips to help you set up properly at home from one of our in house ergonomic physiotherapist Michelle Hua.


Raise your laptop screen to the correct working height

Your laptop should not be used on your lap! The ideal laptop screen height will allow

you to view the screen without bending your neck down. Use a laptop stand to

elevate the screen so that your eyes hit the top third region when you look straight


Use an external keyboard and mouse

Once you have raised your laptop screen, you will need to use a separate keyboard

and mouse. This will allow you to maintain appropriate positioning of your upper

limbs. Your elbows should be at a 100-degree angle with your forearms resting

firmly on the desk surface.

Consider screen size

The laptop screen should be large enough to accommodate all your tasks. A small

screen could result in straining of the eyes. If you find that you are leaning forward

to read small text, it might to time to update the size of your laptop. However, if this

is not possible, you can increase the font size.

Sit at a desk

Ideally you should be set up at a desk or table. Sitting on your couch or using your

coffee table as a desk will only result in forward hunched posture, which can lead to

neck and back pain.

Use an ergonomic chair

Sitting is a supportive office chair is paramount to ensure you are working safely and

ergonomically. The chair should have a high backrest with lumbar support. There

should also be a seat height and backrest angle adjustment. Remember to sit right

back into the backrest and position the chair close to the front of the desk to

maintain adequate back support.

Take regular breaks

It is recommended that you get up from your desk to go for a short walking break

every 30-60 minutes. This will offload any building muscle tension and prevent

postural fatigue.

Set a timer if you need to!

Do you need more information on workplace ergonomics and how it can help relieve your pain?