Covid Response


Our response to COVID

West Ryde Physiotherapy would like to assure you that we are following protocols provided by the Health Department to minimize risk of infection to our team, clients and families.

We encourage you to follow the general recommendations to prevent the potential spread of infection, including COVID-19:

  • We ask our clients and our team members if they become unwell and think they may have symptoms of coronavirus, to avoid attending the clinic and seek medical attention

  • If any of your household member or yourself have been a close contact to COVID 19, self isolate for the duration required by NSW health advice

In the clinic:

  • Upon arrival for your appointment, please use the hand sanitizer in our reception counter and wear a mask.

  • Register through QR code

  • We ask our clients to arrive at the time of their appointment and only the person being treated is to enter the treating area.

  • We ask all clients to use coughing and hand hygiene etiquette.

  • When processing your payment, we ask that payment be by card only, minimizing handling of the hicaps terminal.

Our protocol when seeing your physiotherapist:

  • Each client will be provided with a waiting area that respects the 1.5m distancing.

  • Our physiotherapist are provided with masks and follow the recent Health department recommendations.

  • They will be assessing your condition and will provide hands on treatment and exercise as necessary.

  • Thorough cleaning of any contact surfaces and material will be done between each client, according to the COVID safe guidelines.

  • We encourage all clients to continue their treatment even while in isolation. Telehealth is a proven method to treat many conditions. This service has been proven to improve health outcomes and is a great option to improve your health through lockdown.

  • Our staff is now 90% vaccinated, and we are undergoing regular covid screening tests.

How do I book an appointment? Book Online

Our top priority is health and wellbeing, yours and our team.

We hope to see you and keep you well through these difficult times.