Ergonomics assessment


Recover better with a safe and comfortable work set up.

 Do you struggle to find the right solution for your workstation needs?

A workstation assessment is a detailed risk assessment of a person’s office/home workstation which is often conducted if a person is experiencing discomfort, pain or has sustained an injury.  Ergonomic assessments can reduce costs, improve productivity and employee engagement, and create a better safety culture.

Why is Ergonomics important? According to Safe Work Australia, the total economic cost of work-related injuries and illnesses is estimated to be $60 billion dollars. Recent research has shown that lower back pain is the world’s most common work-related disability – which largely affects employees that work in offices.

At West Ryde Physiotherapy we provide tailored ergonomic solutions that allow organisations to improve the health and well-being of their staff.  Our expert physiotherapists have a strong background in treating all musculoskeletal conditions and are able meet our clients’ needs through applying this knowledge to ergonomics. 

We are currently offering the following services:

Mini Workstation Assessments:

·        A brief consultation virtually (home/ office) or face-to-face (office only) with one of our qualified physiotherapists, typically 15 minutes duration per person.  If assessed in the office, all aspects of the workstation are covered - chair, desk, monitor, keyboard, mouse and the placement of these workstation items.  If assessed in the home, all aspects of the workstation as well as safety considerations are included.  A checklist report will be compiled upon completion which briefly lists any issues or recommendations.

Comprehensive Individual Office/ Home Assessments

·        A more comprehensive consultation (virtually or face-to-face) with one of our qualified health physiotherapists, approximately 30-45 minutes duration per person.  Includes an assessment of musculoskeletal issues of the employee, evaluation of full workstation set-up and of the home environment/ safety considerations if assessed at home.  A detailed report will be provided outlining any identified problems and recommendations to ensure the employee is set up safely.

Floorwalking Assessments:

·        Quick 10-minute touch base assessments for staff who have changed work environment, are returning to the office, or require a refresher. These are highly beneficial, cost effective strategies in assessing larger groups and fine tuning their needs.  Report included in price. Minimum 1 hour booking – 6-8 people per hour.

 *individual office/ home assessments are eligible for rebate if under Workers Compensation