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The Physio Blog

Your workstation is uncomfortable?

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Ozlem Dalkic shares how improtant it is to have an ergonomic work set up.

Tips when setting up your workstation.

As many of us are working from home or returning to the office, it is vital to keep in mind tips to

optimise your workstation.

First things first, you chair;

  • Roll your ergonomic task chair into your desk to keep arms proximity to keyboard and mouse.

  • Adjust the chair to allow your arms to rest parallel to the desk.

  • If feet do not touch, don’t worry- use a ream of paper or footrest.

  • Adjust your backrest in neutral position, approximately 95-100 degrees in recline to maintain neutral spine.

  • Do not forget that lumbar support, adjust the backrest so the cushion is supporting you lower back.

Next, watch your screen;

  • If using a laptop, prop it up so it meets your eyeline. We want to minimise any excessive neck flexion.

  • Keep the monitor or laptop within an arm’s reach.

  • If squinting, check the brightness of your screen or use a lamp on the side.

Now, to the handy accessories;

  • Keyboard and mouse should be within your elbow reach. For example, when your elbows are bent by your waist, your hands should fall within the zone of your keyboard and mouse.

  • Keep the mouse close to the side of the keyboard.

Finally, keep moving;

  • Keep a regular movement routine, taking 1–2-minute walking break every 30-60minutes.

  • Movement breaks are vital in keeping your joints and muscles healthy.

  • If you have a standing desk, alternate your position every 60 minutes.

Feel free to chat to our friendly West Ryde Physiotherapy team, in how to set up your home

ergonomics set-up. We can provide ergonomic assessments virtually and provide you with helpful
