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The Physio Blog

How to Keep Active When Working from Home

How to Keep Active When Working from Home

Most of us may be enjoying the whole the concept of working from home but not having to

commute, and lack of movement and exercise can quickly lead to a sedentary lifestyle. Being active

is important for your physical and mental health, so here are some tips to get you on your feet:

Make Time for Exercise

Plan your exercise and can create a routine that is easy to stick to. You should aim to accumulate

higher intensity activity. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends 150-300 minutes of

moderate intensity activity, or 75-150 minutes of vigorous intensity activity each week, in addition to

muscle strengthening activity twice weekly.

Whether it’s a brisk early morning walk, an after-work jog, or a 30-minute body weight exercise

session, scheduling exercise will help you stay on track.

Incorporate Movement into your Day

Being sedentary and lack of physical activity is associated with increased risk of obesity, diabetes,

musculoskeletal problems, cardiovascular disease, and poor mental health.

West Ryde Physiotherapy recommends that you set a timer and get up to move for 1-2 minutes

every 30-60 minutes. When the timer goes off, it’s time to go for a short walking break or stretch!

Also sneak in “incidental” movement. This simply means getting up to refill a glass of water or

walking around the house while on a phone call.

Go Virtual

Your next exercise routine is only a click away and is now more accessible than ever. There are a

variety of classes available online, including Pilates. Check out our physio led exercise classes here:

Use What You Have

No equipment? No problem. Chose exercises that involve using your own body weight – mountain

climbers, planks, squats, push-ups, yoga, or Pilates. Walking or running also doesn’t require any

equipment. If you want to incorporate some weights, simple household items such as canned food,

a backpack stuffed with books, a bottle of laundry detergent, or bag of sugar can be used.

Be creative and have fun. Here are a few examples from our physiotherapist Michelle Hua at West Ryde




The toe plank

The toe plank

The wall push ups

The wall push ups

The bird dog

The bird dog