The Physio Blog | West Ryde Physiotherapy 02 9809 3854

The Physio Blog

Women's Health Week 2-6 September 2019

In the context of women’s health week, at West Ryde physio we have developed a program to help women look after their bodies through all stages of life. More particularly, here are a few tips for new mothers.

Often we get asked when is a good time to return to exercise after having a baby.

The answer varies depending on the level of exercise and how the birth went. Other factors can be if there is any back or pelvis pain or if the new mum has any bladder or bowel dysfunctions, or prolapse following the birth. A rule of thumb that we follow is to strengthen the weakest link first! If pelvic floor and abdominals are weak or any leaking occurs while exercising, taking a step to lighten the exercise is important. It may take 3 to 6 months for these muscles to strengthen and get to their optimal function.

Remember, it took 9 months for your body to change, allow it time to recover.

Here are 3 reasons why is it important to start exercising after having a baby.

1.     It Improves your mood. As a new mum, you are providing and nurturing day and night for a tiny human being, and your hormones flooding your body will inevitably make you emotional. Exercise is a proven way to reduce stress. Start early with a walk every day. The guidelines are 150 minutes/week of moderate exercise, which means 30minutes most days. Even better if you exercise with a friend.


2.     It speeds up your recovery.

Healing from a Caesarian section or a perineum tear takes a minimum of 6 weeks. Your body needs time before you increase the load on your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. While abdominal crunches or high impact exercises may need to wait, doing your light walks, adding narrow squats, stairs, calf raises, light weights help improve blood flow to your muscle groups enhancing the healing process.


3.     It improves your energy levels. 

If you are active, you increase your capacity levels, which means that your day to day demands don’t feel so tiring. Allow 10 minutes of simple exercises when your baby is happy and doing his tummy time. A little often will pay off!

If you want to know more on how to exercise and get stronger after birth, contact us at or 0298093854.