The Physio Blog | West Ryde Physiotherapy 02 9809 3854

The Physio Blog

National pain week

National Pain Week

22nd of July to 28th of July.

  • Did you know? Between 50 to 80 percent of people with pain are under-treated.

  • One in three Australians over 65 lives with chronic pain.

  • 1 in 6 Australians suffer from lower back pain. 

  • Lower back pain is 3rd leading cause of disease burden in Australia in 2011. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare statistics)

It is estimated that half of the economic cost of chronic pain could be saved by providing effective and timely treatment. (pain australia2019)

As it can be seen from the statistics, persistent pain is something common however it does not mean we should leave it how it is! 

Here are some tips to help with managing your pain:

  • Perform daily stretches and walk. Exercise is a major part of the management of chronic pain. The guidelines recommend 150min of exercise each week. Pick one that suits you, start slow ans steady, and gradually increase the time.

  • Pace yourself. Doing 3 loads of washing, then sweeping and vacuuming then go shopping then go to the movies? I am already exausted! Best to have a few activities well spread throughout the week. Plan them and write them down. Give yourself time to rest between activities.

  • Practice mindfulness. Take a moment in your day to silence your mind, and listen to your breathing. Clear your mind to be able to focus better and take on what your day is throuwing at you.

  • Learn "I have pain, but I am safe". In the case of chronic pain, pain does not mean a re-injury. It means the system is a bit too sensitive. Learn to deactivate the system by changing the way you think.

  • Play mind games. Distract yourself. Often people tell us that when they were busy they couldn't feel the pain. The brain is a very powerful thing!

  • Deal with all factors influencing pain, through CBT. Clinical psychologists can guide you on how to do this.

  • Sleep. Yes. Your brain and your body can overcome much more when rested.

  • Diet and exercise. Sugar has an inflammatory role, and we all know that weight loss improves the load knees and ankles. So many good reaons to get moving!

  • Seek help from your physio! Manual therapy, dry needling, taping, tens, are all great adjuntcs to getting back on your feet! (painaustralia)

    Our clinic has been part of our local community for over 60 years and we are able to help you with your pain or function and to achieve your goals in all stages of your lifetime. 
