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The Physio Blog

How to beat fatigue from cancer.

Do you suffer from chronic fatigue?

Fibromyalgia, or cancer related fatigue or burn out?

Read on for 10 steps to help you manage your fatigue.

Step 1: You are not alone.

Many people affected by these condition report fatigue that is not improving with sleep.

Step 2: Acceptance.

The sooner you accept that you get this fatigue, the sooner you can make your way to a happier self.

Step 3: Enroll help from others.

Educate yourself and others on the signs of fatigue.

Step 4: Pacing:

know when to have breaks, how much activity you do in a day, spread out the activities throughout the week so that you body has time to recover. If you go shopping it's not time to clean the whole house on your return.

Step5: Prioritise:

Select what activity is important for you. Delegate what can be passed on to others.

Step 6: Physical activity.

Avoid being inactive. Short sessions that make you feel energised, often throughout the week will improve the feeling of fatigue.

Step 7. Restorative therapy:

meditate, breathe, walk in the forest.

Step 8: Good nutrition.

To have more energy.

Step 9: set targets:

Select specific times, activities to help your energy levels. Times to rest, sleep schedule, time to relax.

Step 10: BE patient!

Be kind to yourself. It take stime to reset your body.


to improve your energy levels.