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The Physio Blog

Do you have back pain in pregnancy?

Here are 3 best exercises to get relief with your back pain while pregnant.

Are you experiencing pain around your pelvis, lower back and hips?

1 in 4 pregnant women experience pain around the back & pelvis. So, what is Pelvic Girdle Pain?

One of the most common sources of Low back pain for pregnant women is the sacroiliac joint. These joints are located at the back of the pelvis. Sacro-iliac joint pain often affects not only the back, pelvis & hips but can also run to the front of your pelvis & cause groin pain.

Pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy is caused by increased movement/stiffness in your pelvic joints due to increased levels of certain hormones released during pregnancy, causing pain with certain movements making it difficult for you to get on with your day.

The good thing: it is common & NOT harmful to your baby.

Common signs & symptoms:

• Pain can get worse when you sit with your legs crossed/squat

• Pain with walking, climbing stairs, rolling in bed, getting in & out of the car/bed. Pain with standing up.

• Pain with standing/leaning on one leg.

The best treatment for this includes:

• A pelvic belt- this has shown to be the number 1 treatment for this condition as it provides support around your pelvis to prevent this increased movement in the pelvis.

• Stretches & exercises- these are very important to mobilise the other joints to prevent stiffness & strengthening the muscles around the pelvis to provide the support needed to provide stability to the pelvis during pregnancy.

• Modify activity to prevent increased movement in the pelvis

Try these mobility exercises to help manage pelvis & LBP during pregnancy:

- Cat cow: starting on your hands & knees with your back straight, breathe in and bend your back, stick your bottom out & look up to the ceiling, then breathe out, tuck your chin in & curve yourself into your stomach.

- Child’s pose: on your hands & knees, keep knees wide for your belly and lower your hips down to feet while your reach and walk arms forward. Feel the stretch through your lower back.

- Pelvic tilts: sitting in a chair, imagine your pelvis is like a bucket filled with water- you want to tip it forward & back. When tipping forward you want to feel your tailbone lift off the chair. When tipping back feel the tailbone sink in under your bottom into the chair.

Try performing each of these 5-10x each, 2x/day.

8 in 10 women are unaware that Sacro-Iliac joint pain is a leading cause of chronic lower back pain after pregnancy and what you can do about it. That is why it is important to seek help early.

If you are experiencing any of this, please give us a call 0298093854 to see how we can help.